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ABCs CV and Cover Letter Workshop Video TakingITGlobal TakingITGlobal hosted a workshop on pivotal considerations when crafting a CV and a cover letter.
Mar 11th, 2021
Resource Guide to Community Climate Action for Youth Community Climate Council This guide is a collaborative effort between The Community Climate Council and the Youth Council Coalition of Canada, who hope to inspire youth and their allies to enact change across their communities.
Feb 17th, 2021
Volunteer Opportunity - Volunteer Core Conservation Halton Conservation Halton is looking for a group of individuals for the Volunteer Core. This group of volunteers will assist with upcoming park, outreach, stewardship and restoration projects. Participants will be asked to donate 40-hours or attend at least 10 volunteer events (whichever is fulfilled first) over the Spring, Summer and Fall. Applications close February 21, 2021.
Feb 4th, 2021
Post-Colonial Feminist Toolkit Kanishka Sikri A toolkit that highlights, defines, and examines the key roots and theories on feminism and feminist theory.
Jan 14th, 2021
Global Youth Leadership Program 2021 CNEW International Pte Ltd Global Youth Leadership Program is a non-profit social project under CNEW International, we have trained and equipped over 10,000 young leaders from 15 countries in the past four years. We are delighted to bring you our 7th GYLP on 9th &10th in January 2021.
Dec 3rd, 2020
The Future of Women Entrepreneurship Community+ Community+ will be hosting a virtual event to bring awareness to women entrepreneurs who have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. We are teaming up with incredible female founders —and we want you to join us! The event is also a way for founders to provide their insights into what has worked for them and their challenges in the post-pandemic environment. All of the ticket proceeds will go to the Downtown Women's Center.
Dec 3rd, 2020
Work-life integration: Successful workplace practices in the “new normal” International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization This webinar provides an overview on how to successfully implement policies and practices that promote work-life balance in the workplace, taking into consideration the challenges that businesses and employees in G7 and EU countries are facing due to the current pandemic.
Dec 3rd, 2020
A Conversation on Canada's Global Engagement Cooperation Canada The Together Project believes that back to normal is not an option and that together, Canada, alongside other global actors, can create forward solutions for a better Canada and a better world. This event marks the launch of a series of cases, which show that we have the tools, evidence, and resources we need to contribute to a more prosperous, healthy, and stable world. With Canadian leadership and will, our country could make a real global difference. And when Canada invests in solving global issues, we all benefit. French Event : 12:00noon-1:00pm (ET) English Event: 2:00pm-3:00pm (ET)
Dec 3rd, 2020
50 Years of the Status of Women Report: Looking Back to Move Forward Department of Women and Gender Equality Canada (WaGE) Join the Department of Women and Gender Equality Canada (WaGE) and the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (CanWaCH) as we mark the 50th Anniversary of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women and chart the path forward for the next 50 years. This intergenerational event will take stock of the past 50 years, celebrating the progress of trailblazers and changemakers while acknowledging the challenges faced, and then look to the future as we collectively imagine what it will take to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women in the next 50 years.
Dec 3rd, 2020
Virtual Town Hall Recording with the Honourable Karina Gould Minister of International Development in Canada This virtual Town Hall is an opportunity to hear from the Minister on key issues that matter globally and for Canadian organizations, in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. The Town Hall focuses primarily on the medium to long-term impacts of the crisis and gives the sector a chance to voice their priorities directly to the Minister.
Dec 3rd, 2020
Anti-Racist Cooperation Cooperation Canada Cooperation Canada has been coordinating an advisory group to develop a sector-wide statement and accountability framework on anti-racism. The advisory group will share reflections on the process so far, what we’ve heard already in terms of comments and questions from the sector, and how these will be addressed in the statement and the actions to come. This is also another chance to feed into the process and have your questions answered.
Dec 3rd, 2020
Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction This edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) offers an update on progress made in implementing the outcome, goal, targets and priorities of the Sendai Framework and disaster-related Sustainable Development Goals. It provides an analysis of how risk science is changing, presents areas for additional endeavour, and explores aspects of understanding and managing systemic risk. It presents innovative research and practice for pursuing risk-informed sustainable development, and provides an introduction to the wider scope and nature of hazards and related risks to be considered.
Nov 19th, 2020
Truth Toolkit: How to combat misinformation Evidence for Democracy Increasing online misinformation poses a threat to our democracy. This toolkit outlines what misinformation is, why it's so harmful, and how we can all take action to prevent its spread. In this toolkit you'll find: - What is misinformation? - Why does misinformation matter? - How we can all fight back against misinformation - What to do if you accidentally share misinformation - What to do if you see misinformation - The inoculation method
Nov 19th, 2020
Recorded: Making Sure Canada Never Misses Another Climate Target Climate Action Network Canada As a nation, we have missed every greenhouse gas reduction target set by the Canadian government prior to the current 2030 target, and are currently not on track to meet the 2030 target. While governments can claim credit for setting long-term goals, several short-term, and sometimes hard, necessary steps remain to achieve them. In this webinar, we will present recommendations for Canadian climate accountability legislation and mechanisms from experts at Ecojustice, West Coast Environmental Law, Environmental Defence, Équiterre, CAN-Rac, the Pembina Institute, the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices, and My Sea to Sky in collaboration with Climate Caucus
Nov 19th, 2020
Recorded: A Just Recovery must be Anti-Racist Climate Action Network Canada At its core, a Just Recovery to build back better after the pandemic means reorienting our society to tackle the climate crisis, rising inequality, and systemic racism. This means taking action against systemic racism that disproportionately exposes Black, Indigenous, and racialized communities to COVID-19, the climate crisis, and state violence. On June 11th, Toronto Climate Action Network, Climate Action Network Canada, Sierra Club BC, 350 Canada, and Lead Now hosted a mass training on how the movement for a Just Recovery can show up for Black and Indigenous Lives.
Nov 19th, 2020
Recorded: Meaningfully Engaging Youth in Evaluation Tamarack Institute This webinar highlighted strategies and best practices for meaningfully engaging youth in program evaluation, including evaluation planning, carrying out the evaluation, and communicating evaluation findings. YouthREX and Tamarack Institute teamed-up to discuss youth-engaged evaluation theory and practice, with special guests from MLSE LaunchPad to bring practical examples of how youth are engaged in their evaluation work.
Nov 17th, 2020
Recorded: Engaging Community for Evaluation Tamarack Institute This webinar explores ways that evaluation can strengthen our community relationships and help you balance learning and accountability. Renowned guest speaker David Fetterman, and our Director of Evaluating Impact, Pamela Teitelbaum share their insights and experience with the theory and practice of participatory, collaborative and empowerment evaluation.
Nov 17th, 2020
Recorded: Leadership for Navigating Change Tamarack Institute This webinar reviews three forms of leadership that has emerged to address these enormous challenges. In looking at how individuals, collaborative groups, and diffuse networks have responded to the shifts experienced during the pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests, we seek to describe the leadership we will need to collectively address the gaps and challenges that have been exposed through these crises.
Nov 17th, 2020
A deep dive into Canada’s Changing Climate Report Government of Canada Released in 2019, this report is about how and why Canada’s climate has changed and what changes are projected for the future. Led by Environment and Climate Change Canada, it is the first report to be released as part of Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action.
Nov 17th, 2020
Recorded: How can we adopt a gender lens to social protection programs in the face of the COVID-19 crisis? Women’s Empowerment in Development (WED) LAB COVID-19 has become an unprecedented global crisis. The pandemic has exposed deep structural inequalities around the world, with disproportionate effects on women and girls. This webinar will discuss current issues around COVID-19 and social protection in the Global South. A diverse panel of experts from the worlds of international development research and practice will discuss research priorities and possible policy solutions for supporting social protection programs targeted at women.
Nov 17th, 2020
Investing in Canadian Climate Science Evidence for Democracy, Canadian Climate Forum An assessment of the state of Canadian climate science based on a survey of climate scientists "Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we have ever faced and in order to deal with it Canadian climate science requires a clear strategy of investment in infrastructure and academic research." Dr. Tristan MacLean, report author, Evidence for Democracy The report is based on interviews and a survey of 84 climate scientists along with analysis of grant funding databases. The survey included 40 questions related to the research of climate scientists, research funding, infrastructure and government policy
Nov 17th, 2020
The Climate Crisis and First Nations’ Right to Food in Canada Human Rights Watch This report, the outcome of research Human Rights Watch conducted in Northern Ontario, Northwestern British Columbia, and Northern Yukon between June 2018 and December 2019, examines the impacts of the climate crisis on First Nations. The experiences of First Nations described in this report are illustrative of broader climate change impacts across Canada, however, each First Nation is unique, and none of their experiences can be generalized, making it imperative to tailor measures to address climate impacts and community needs in each of their traditional territories.
Nov 17th, 2020
Recorded: Effects of COVID-19 on Girls' Education in the Global South Women’s Empowerment in Development (WED) LAB As with other pandemics in recent history, women are particularly vulnerable. COVID-19 has further aggravated structural inequalities that systematically disadvantage women. As COVID-19 forces school closures in 185 countries, there is a strong potential for increased drop-out rates which will disproportionately affect adolescent girls, further entrench gender gaps in education and lead to increased risk of sexual exploitation, early pregnancy and early and forced marriage. Given the current challenges, it is important to focus attention on the gender dimensions of COVID-19 and its impact on girls’ education in the Global South.
Nov 17th, 2020
Recorded: Using a gender lens to address COVID-19 response in Refugee Settings Women’s Empowerment in Development (WED) LAB As with other pandemics in recent history, women are particularly vulnerable. COVID-19 has further aggravated structural inequalities that systematically disadvantage women. Given the current challenges, it is important to focus attention on the gender dimensions of COVID-19 and its impact on refugee settings. While refugees are not inherently more susceptible to COVID-19, the conditions in which many refugees live and their difficulty in accessing basic health services leave them highly vulnerable.
Nov 17th, 2020
Acting on Climate Change:Extending the Dialogue Among Canadians Evidence for Democracy For governments to make evidence-based decisions and policies, it is necessary to have robust support for science in the public interest. Furthermore, these decisions need to be transparently justified. The transition to a low-carbon economy in Canada will require both of these elements: scientific leadership to develop and implement sustainable alternatives, and political leadership to recognize and act on the well-substantiated threat of climate change.
Nov 17th, 2020
Recorded: How to write a briefing note Evidence for Democracy Briefing notes are one of the most commonly used ways that information is disseminated to government officials, and they can be a powerful tool to communicate science to governments. In this webinar we dive into how and why to use briefing notes, how to make your briefing note impactful, and tips and tricks for how to deliver briefing notes to decision-makers.
Nov 17th, 2020
Recorded: Gender Matters: COVID-19 and the labour market in the Global South Women’s Empowerment in Development (WED) LAB As with other pandemics in recent history, women are particularly vulnerable. COVID-19 has further aggravated structural inequalities that systematically disadvantage women, specifically in the economic system. Economically, women are disproportionately impacted by the financial effects of the pandemic as the majority work in low-paid or informal jobs with few social protections. Around the globe, 740 million women work in the informal sector, which has been worst hit by the economic fall out of the coronavirus. Given the current challenges, it is important to focus attention on the gender dimensions of COVID-19 on the labour market in the Global South.
Nov 17th, 2020
Women's Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation OECD iLibrary, iSELUSI Project After having explained the smaller gender gap in social entrepreneurship compared to commercial entrepreneurship, this paper provides information on female management style and on the innovation capacity of social enteprises led by women. This Report is based on SELUSI data and presents three specific case studies from Hungary, Russia and Chile.
Nov 17th, 2020
Investing in a Green Recovery International Monetary Fund This report focuses on recovery through the COVID-19 pandemic. Increasing resilience needs to be one of the main guiding principles when rebuilding our economies and societies after the crisis. We need to ensure we are better prepared to withstand future pandemics but also the other major looming threat to humanity—climate change.
Nov 17th, 2020
Nature Risk Rising: Why the Crisis Engulfing Nature Matters for Business and the Economy World Economic Forum This report is part of the series of New Nature Economy (NNE) reports being developed under the umbrella of the Nature Action Agenda. The NNE reports aim to contribute to the Agenda’s fact base, focusing on the business and economic case for action. This report suggests adapting a fit-for-purpose approach to incorporating nature-based risks into existing core enterprise risk-management processes, as is increasingly undertaken for climate change and broader environmental, social and governance (ESG) processes.
Nov 17th, 2020
A transformative vision for Canada’s post-2020 adaptation finance Climate Action Network Canada This report presents the case that Canada should focus on scaling up climate adaptation finance to developing countries, particularly those most vulnerable, while committing to investments in feminist adaptation projects that respect the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Nov 17th, 2020
Strengthening Evaluation Literacy Tamarack Institute Over time reframing evaluation in our work to be more participatory and collaborative leads to higher levels of learning, strengthened community relations and greater transparency. In this paper, Pamela Teitelbaum explores the language, concepts and basic understanding of evaluation approaches, and how they can help decision-makers discuss and identify the value of participatory and collaborative approaches to evaluation.
Nov 17th, 2020
Cities Reducing Poverty: 2020 Impact Report Tamarack Institute The Vibrant Communities – Cities Reducing Poverty 2020 Impact Report is Tamarack Institute's first attempt at capturing and communicating national trends in poverty reduction and the important ways in which member Cities Reducing Poverty collaboratives are contributing to those changes. This impact report is meant to give readers a sense for how collaborative, multi-sectoral local roundtables with comprehensive plans contribute to poverty reduction in their communities and beyond; and spotlights high-impact initiatives that are demonstrating promising results.
Nov 17th, 2020
Volunteer Opportunity: Climate Solutions Accelerator Youth Challenge International YCI's Climate Solutions Accelerator program provides youth in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), aged 19-25, the opportunity to advance their climate action initiatives or green businesses to grow their impacts. Climate Leaders receive comprehensive training on designing and growing sustainable, climate-focused ventures and projects as well as climate science and traditional ecological knowledge. Climate Leaders also receive customized coaching and mentorship in addition to financial support to help accelerate their climate initiatives. The deadline to apply is Oct 4, 2020.
Aug 30th, 2020
Recorded: RBC Future Launch: Future Ready Youth Summit RBC Future Launch Join us for Future Ready, an event where you’ll hear from industry experts, inspiring young professionals and top athletes who will share advice, guidance and tools to help you prepare for your professional future.
Aug 30th, 2020
Green Economy Heroes Podcast Saxe Facts Dianne Saxe wants you to meet some amazing Canadians who are making a living building the green economy. With their passion, creativity and skill, they are helping to reduce our climate pollution, to create green jobs and to get us ready for what’s coming. She calls them Green Economy Heroes.
Aug 7th, 2020
Report: Gendered impacts of climate-induced displacement CARE Evicted by climate change: Confronting the gendered impacts of climate-induced displacement
Aug 7th, 2020
Online Course: 12 Principles to Build a Better World Acumen Academy 12 mini-lessons and accompaniment activities sent to your inbox. Get a synopsis of 12 hard-edged skills Acumen has learned from nearly 20 years of working with effective leaders who have broken boundaries and improved how the poor, the vulnerable, and the earth are treated.
Aug 7th, 2020
Feminist International Assistance Gender Equality Toolkit for Projects Government of Canada This toolkit provides guidance for designing and implementing feminist international assistance programing. Stronger projects are those that are rights-based and that focus on addressing the root causes of gender inequalities within historical, social, cultural, economic and political barriers.
Aug 7th, 2020
Feminist Summer School Platform Feminist Summer School aims to increase young women and gender-diverse youth’s ability to practice intersectional, anti-oppressive leadership. Rooted in our commitment to transformative leadership, this co-designed program endeavours to create a space for learning and unlearning where participants can challenge their perceptions and develop new understandings on intersecting social issues.
Aug 7th, 2020
Youth Entrepreneurship Program and Courses League of Innovators Under 25 years old? Get your startup off the ground and join a wildly successful community of youth entrepreneurs across Canada. Apply to the Labs 12 week incubator program or or take online courses on the Innovators Academy.
Aug 7th, 2020
Gender Equality Scorecard Manual SEAF A Tool to Advance Women’s Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality in SMEs and Diversity and Inclusion in the Private Funds Industry
Aug 7th, 2020
Funding Opportunity: The 2020 Youth Impact Challenge Youth Impact Challenge We’re challenging young people to come up with an idea that addresses an important social and/or environmental issue. In teams of 3 or more, we want young people to send in a very simple proposal of maximum three pages. The deadline to submit is August 6, 2020. We’ve got over $50,000 and a lot of knowledge to share. We want to do that by finding, and supporting, the best ideas.
Jul 23rd, 2020
Podcast: The Markham Green Teen The Markham Green Teen Learn about a typical GTA city's response to climate change from a typical Markham (Green) teen! The host is a YCI Innovate MY Future program alumni.
Jul 22nd, 2020
Employment & Volunteer Opportunity Search Resource Guide Youth Challenge International This guide includes curated lists of international and domestic job boards, support organizations and activities to assist youth and young adults in the search for new employment, internship or volunteer opportunities. These are geared towards finding and securing opportunities with a positive social or environmental impact.
Jul 7th, 2020
Recorded Webinar: Creating a Culture of Equity and Reconciliation Tamarack Institute Author, educator, and community worker Suzanne Methot joined Tamarack Institute's Pamela Teitelbaum and shared an Indigenous culture-based model that can be used as a tool for professional development, community building, and systems change. This webinar will take you from abstract ideas to an accessible tool that will help you create a concrete practice of transformative change.
Jul 7th, 2020
Writing Workshops & Magazine: Hyphenated Identities Living Hyphen Living Hyphen is an emerging magazine that explores the experiences of hyphenated Canadians. Through short stories, photography, poetry, illustrations, and writing workshops, the platform uncovers what it means to live in between cultures as individuals who call Canada home but with roots elsewhere.
Jul 7th, 2020
Guide: Transformative Organizing Social Justice Leadership Transformative Organizing: Towards The Liberation Of Self & Society. Guide for organizers and the social justice movement as a whole to step fully and powerfully into the uncertainty and opportunity of the present historical moment in order to bring about a societal transformation towards true justice and compassion, equality and interdependence.
Jul 7th, 2020
Podcast Episode: Generative Organizations with Freedom, Inc. Healing Justice Podcast Kabzuag Vaj, Bianca Gomez, and Zon Moua of Freedom, Inc join us for a conversation about the complexities of building a multi-generational, multi-racial, multi-gender organization working to end violence and advance gender & racial justice in Madison, WI. Their real talk about building leadership long-term, and enacting accountability while welcoming members to grow, embodies disciplined, graceful, transformative base-building.
Jul 7th, 2020
Recorded Webinar: How to be Anti-Racist in Aid Aid Re-imagined Aid Re-imagined’s mission is to help usher the evolution of aid towards justice and effectiveness through deep, radical, and evidence-based reflection and research. This webinar holds a discussion on racism within the aid community.
Jul 7th, 2020
Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda UN: Department of Economic and Social Affairs Youth The World Youth Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda seeks to contribute to the understanding of how youth social entrepreneurship can both support youth development and help accelerate the implementation of the SDGs.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Virtual Afrocentric Summer Mentorship Program Find Your Path Through hearing from successful Black leaders, engaging in conversations on Afrocentric themes, and bonding with Black mentors pursuing post-secondary education, this program aims to increase participants’ personal and academic resilience and to establish positive and long-lasting mentorship networks with successful Black role models. This program is intended primarily for youth living in the Greater Toronto Area ages 12 to 17. The program will run for four weeks in August 2020. You can also apply to be a mentor.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Film: Sustainable Futures – Communities in Action Community Conservation Research Network All around the world, people, in their local communities, are tackling some of the biggest global challenges… the climate, the environment, and how to sustain economies and livelihoods. The actions these communities are taking, the solutions they are finding, can inspire a way forward for all of us. Website includes an Educator's Guide.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Resource List: International Development Canadian Council for International Co-operation The Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC) is Canada’s independent national voice for international development. Together with 80+ member organizations, CCIC seeks to end global poverty and promote social justice and human dignity for all.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Volunteer Opportunity: Climate Action Catalyst Youth Challenge International Join the Innovate MY Future program as a Climate Action Catalyst team member to volunteer alongside a team of fellow passionate peers to take local climate action together. You will receive training & support from YCI to design and implement a climate action project in your community, gaining resume-building skills and experience along the way. For youth 16-24 in the GTHA. The deadline to apply is July 19, 2020.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course: International Women's Health and Human Rights EdX & Stanford University This self-paced course provides an overview of women's health and human rights, beginning in infancy and childhood, then moving through adolescence, reproductive years and aging. We consider economic, social, political and human rights factors, and the challenges women face in maintaining health and managing their lives in the face of societal pressures and obstacles.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course: Environmental Justice Future Learn & University of East Anglia Understand how climate change, biodiversity loss and deforestation affect people, exploring justice in environment management.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course: Concepts in Sustainable Development - An Introduction to the Key Issues Future Learn & University of Leicester In this course you will study the conceptual foundations of sustainable development, and discuss the issues around sustainability as a complex problem. You’ll look at the flow of energy and materials worldwide; social and political issues; wealth inequality; the impact of geography, history and culture on sustainability today; and the problems of collective action.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course: Tipping Points - Climate Change and Society Future Learn & University of Exeter A tipping point occurs when there’s a shift in the state of a system towards a new equilibrium. In this course you will explore the concept of tipping points from an interdisciplinary perspective, discovering their role in climate change and the future.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course: Make Change Happen Future Learn & The Open University Strengthen the skills you need to work with others to tackle injustice. This course will help you understand the context of the issues you’re passionate about and your existing sources of power and influence.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Humanitarian Aid Online Courses & Resources Disaster Ready Over 1,000 Free Online Learning Resources for Humanitarian Aid and Development Professionals.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Climate Change Sunday School The Narrative of Climate Change A forum to equip yourself with fact-based knowledge that will help you navigate our changing climate. "The planet has no voice of its own and it’s up to others to tell its story. It’s up to us."
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course: Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries Coursera & University of Cape Town This course challenges you to consider how one might lift societies out of poverty while also mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. We explore the inherent complexity of developing country governments wanting to grow their economies in a climate friendly way. You will be introduced to an approach with which to address this challenge.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Courses: Sustainable Development Goals MOOC List International Development MOOCs and Free Online Courses related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Courses: Climate Change Action One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership Join a global community of learners focused on climate change action. UN-CC is a joint initiative of more than 30 multilateral organizations helping countries to achieve climate change action both through general climate literacy and applied skills development.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Resource List: Bmeaningful Career Development Articles Bmeaningful Bmeaningful is on a mission to connect professionals looking to make a difference with purpose-oriented positions.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Anti-Racist Reading List from Ibram X. Kendi Chicago Public Library This anti-racist syllabus is for people realizing they were never taught how to be anti-racist. How to treat all the racial groups as equals. How to look at the racial inequity all around and look for the racist policies producing it, and the racist ideas veiling it. This list is for people beginning their anti-racist journey ." Ibram X. Kendi (author of "How to Be an Antiracist").
Jul 3rd, 2020
Anti-Racism Resource List Youth Challenge International Curated list of anti-racism educational resources from a variety of verified sources. Categories include: 'Read', 'Watch', 'Listen', and 'Follow'.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Racial Equity Toolkit Government Alliance on Race and Equity Racial equity tools are designed to integrate explicit consideration of racial equity in decisions, including policies, practices, programs, and budgets. It is both a product and a process. Use of a racial equity tool can help to develop strategies and actions that reduce racial inequities and improve success for all groups.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Article & Podcast: Voice, Choice, And Power: Healing Intergenerational Trauma Dr. Ruby Gibson Dr. Ruby Gibson (Lakota, Ojibway, Mestiza), cofounder and executive director of Freedom Lodge, a nonprofit organization in Rapid City, South Dakota that provides historical and intergenerational trauma healing to Native American communities, shares her work on Somatic Archaeology© and its healing potential.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Article: White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack Peggy McIntosh Peggy McIntosh is associate director of the Wellesley Collage Center for Research on Women. This famous essay is excerpted from Working Paper 189. "White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming To See Correspondences through Work in Women's Studies" (1988).
Jul 3rd, 2020
Article: Understanding Intersectionality Kimberlé Crenshaw Professor Crenshaw coined the term and co-founded the African American Policy Forum. Before AAPF's 20th anniversary, Crenshaw reflects on where intersectionality is heading.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Unpacking White Feminism Lecture Rachel E. Cargle Signature live lecture exploring the history of feminism through the lens of race. Cost = $35.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Article: How To Be an Ally Rachel E. Cargle A letter reminding modern white feminist of their relationship with black women throughout history.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Recorded Webinar: Racial & Social Justice 101 Ericka Hart This recorded webinar acts as an educational resource for organizations and individuals seeking to deepen both their professional and personal practices toward centering those who navigate society from its margins. Cost = $35.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Recorded Webinar: Spiritual Activism 101 Rachel Ricketts The Spiritual Activism 101 online workshop is an opportunity to come together to have sacred and spiritual conversation about how we can acknowledge our privilege, heal our race-related wounds and actively contribute to lasting, effective racial justice.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Anti-Racism Resource List Rachel Ricketts A carefully curated list of racial justice minded resources to help all hue-mxns in the quest to dismantle white supremacy.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Free Online Course: Racialized Trauma Resmaa Menakem and Cultural Somatics Training & Institute We all need different spaces and ways to talk about white body supremacy. Engaging in a culturally somatic body focused study will help us begin to co-create a culture free from the rabid structural influence of white body supremacy that collectively binds us.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Resource Repository for Gender Professionals Society of Gender Professionals SGP members have compiled a list of useful resources for gender professionals. Includes categories such as 'job boards', 'academic journals', 'annual conferences', 'tools and toolkits', etc.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Resource List: Healthy Masculinity & Gender Equality Promundo We believe that working with men and boys to transform harmful gender norms and unequal power dynamics is a critical part of the solution to achieving gender equality. For transformative, sustainable change, men and boys must see themselves as partners in the process. Men and boys also benefit when harmful norms are challenged.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Evaluation Handbook: How to Manage Gender-Responsive Evaluation UN Women A practical handbook to help those initiating, managing and/or using gender-responsive evaluations. Although specific to UN Women evaluation processes, the Evaluation Handbook may be useful to international development evaluators and professionals, particularly those working on gender equality, women’s empowerment and human rights.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Guide to Feminist Influencing OXFAM Designed to help apply feminist principles and practices to campaigning, policy, advocacy and influencing. It will help translate “putting women’s rights at the heart of all we do” into clear simple steps, ideas and actions, with an emphasis on transforming unequal gender and power relations.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action Inter-Agency Standing Committee The Gender Reference Group and UN Women, are pleased to announce the launch of an online version of the updated IASC Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action. The platform contains practical information, case studies, and sector-by-sector guidance on mainstreaming and integrating gender aspects across all stages of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course: Gender and M&E Global Health Learning Center This course has been developed for program managers working on gender-focused programs, gender advisors, and individuals working in gender affairs, ministries of gender, or other government departments focusing on gender who seek to strengthen their understanding of M&E. It is also applicable to M&E officers who seek to integrate a gender perspective into their M&E efforts.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Courses: Gender & Health Global Health Learning Center The Global Health eLearning Center offers courses aimed at increasing knowledge in a variety of global health technical areas. Taking into account both the differences and the inequalities between men and women in program planning, implementation, and assessment is vitally important to programming.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course: Global Inequality EdX & Wellesley College This sociology course introduces you to core concepts of class, gender, and racial inequality, and an approach to studying complex forms of inequality called intersectionality.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course: Gender and Development Future Learn & Deakin University This online course explores why gender matters in contemporary international and community development, asking you to: explore the challenges for achieving gender justice throughout the world; and examine the concepts of gender, development and what brings gender and development together. Course is a free introduction to a Deakin University’s postgraduate degree in Development and Humanitarian Action.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Open Learning Campus: Courses & Webinars World Bank Group By providing dynamic learning opportunities where diverse audiences can learn at their own pace and access the knowledge they need, the Open Learning Campus equips individuals with the knowledge and capabilities to tackle the toughest development challenges. Many on climate change and gender equality (search key terms).
Jul 3rd, 2020
Online Course Library International Training Centre The Centre offers learning, knowledge-sharing, and institutional capacity-building programmes for governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations, and development partners. It aims to be a forum where development intersects with all forms of knowledge in the world of work.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Human Rights Education and Training Centre HREA HREA offers self-directed e-courses, tutored e-learning courses, training workshops and blended learning programs for a range of professional groups, including human rights defenders, development workers, humanitarian workers, educators, legal professionals, law enforcement officials, social workers, health professionals, and media professionals.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Gender Equality Training Centre: eLearning Campus UN Women A global and innovative online platform for training for gender equality. It is open to everybody interested in using training or learning as a means to advance gender equality, women’s empowerment and women’s rights. Many courses are free and self-paced.
Jul 3rd, 2020
Learning Centre and Resource Library Tamarack Institute Extensive resource library (webinars, publications, articles, etc.) on knowledge and best practices for community change, collective impact and building vibrant communities.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Recorded Webinar: Basic Income: Towards Gender Equity Tamarack Institute In this webinar, a panel of extraordinary female researchers, organizers and advocates explored Basic Income as an important strategy in gender equity actions. The link also includes essential readings on basic income and basic income and women.
Jul 2nd, 2020
How to Find a Therapist First Session Looking to find a therapist? You're not alone. About 5 million Canadians a year say they need help with their mental health. Our guide gives you everything you need to start your mental health journey.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Recorded Webinars: Youth for Basic Income OCIC Join OCIC’s Youth Policy-Makers Hub for a series of conversations and workshops featuring a range of voices on this issue, to co-imagine how basic income could become a reality in Canada. This four-part series, consisting of three webinars and a design thinking workshop (July 16, 2020) and a resource list, will build your knowledge and understanding of Basic Income from various perspectives and lenses. The series is free and open to all.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Recorded Webinar: Job Search Support for Students During COVID-19 eLoft Careers This webinar and resource list includes tips and resources to help all job seekers so we encourage anyone currently looking for work to watch the video to gain valuable advice on how to manage in this new reality.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Course: Gender Data 101 Tech Change The course begins with establishing a foundation of gender and data and ends with actionable steps to employ gender data to create impactful programs. The course delves into best practices, methodologies, and tools to utilize when working with gender data.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Action Guides TakingITGlobal The Action Guides are designed to help you turn your ideas and dreams into reality. The general guide and the issue-specific guides (such as climate change, mental health and online volunteering) are workbooks for you to download, use and share.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Online Course: Sprout Self TakingITGlobal A completely self-directed learning experience for young changemakers who want to create their own futures and balance personal social values with career ambition. Sprout Self takes a highly individualized leadership development approach based on the principles of Leading Self, Leading Others and Leading Community to help young people build essential skills and competencies in themselves in order to create a positive impact in the world.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Good News Articles Good News Network An antidote to the barrage of negativity experienced in the mainstream media. Because of its long history, staying power, and public trust, GNN is #1 on Google for good news.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Resource List: Community Care During COVID-19 4Rs Youth Movement This Indigenous-focused resource includes tips, resources, and inspiration for a transforming world during the pandemic.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Resource List: #NatureForAll Discovery Zone #NatureForAll An online collection of materials and events that can be used by anyone looking to help connect people with nature or experience nature wherever they may be.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Indigenous Mentorship: The Future Pathways program TakingITGlobal Builds relationships between Indigenous role models and high school students in the Connected North network to deliver advice, expertise and guidance. Future Pathways hires Indigenous role models from post-secondary institutions across Canada to become Connected North Indigenous Leaders to help create avenues for success.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Advocacy Webinars Progress Toronto 6 free trainings and workshops for the 2020 Summer Training Series. Includes: Digital Campaigning 101, How to Speak at a Government Committee and Building Your Personal Narrative. Times vary within July and August.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Digital Library Services Toronto Public Library Public libraries want to make sure that you're stocked up with things to read, watch, listen to, learn and do from home. Here's a quick guide to all of the online services you can use with your library card in Toronto.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Aquarium Live Cams Monterey Bay Aquarium Live cams of all different types of creatures.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Database of Educational Resources Amazing Educational Resources Large database of free educational resources (mostly for kids and youth) to access during this time -- great for any of you with little kids in your life!
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Virtual Tours of 12 Famous Museums Van Gogh Museum, National Gallery of Art and others 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Online Exhibit: Harry Potter - A History of Magic British Library The exhibition shares a history of magic using historical artefacts related to magical topics as well as old drawings, manuscripts and synopses.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Resource List: Virtual School Activities Virtual School Activities Extensive, curated list of Live WebCams, Virtual Tours, and Virtual Field Trips
Jul 2nd, 2020
Digital Escape Room Grande Prairie Public Library You can complete this escape room as an individual or as a family as many times as you'd like.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Blog: COVID Innovations Spottings TrendWatching and Business of Purpose Submit or read through unique collection of different innovations that have been created or enhanced in response to COVID-19. 100s of meaningful COVID-related innovations, worldwide. Segmented by industry.
Jul 2nd, 2020
The COVID Art Museum (Virtual) The COVID Art Museum View or contribute to the world’s 1st museum for art born during Covid19 quarantine. Use the hashtag #CovidArtMuseum.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Youtube Channel: Some Good News by John Krasinski SomeGoodNews (SGN) Hear Some Good News and share it with the world. Hosted by @JohnKrasinski #SomeGoodNews
Jul 2nd, 2020
Joy Phone Hotline The Joy4All Project A hotline to bring joy to those in isolation. Anyone can call to add a little joy! When you dial our local and toll-free numbers, you will be able to choose from a number of pre-recorded options so that you can listen to stories, kind messages, jokes, and more! You can also contribute to the database of options.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Workout Videos & Channels Try out different exercise/workout videos and programs, like 'Fitness Blender' linked here. Many studios are doing free programs online or on Instagram Live. Here are a few other examples:;;
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Yoga Videos & Channels Yoga Upload Try out different free yoga practices, like the 'Yoga Upload' channel linked here. Many studios are doing free programs online or on Instagram Live. Here are a few other examples to check out:;;;
Jul 2nd, 2020
Caremongering Groups: Communty Resposne to COVID-19 Caremongering Platform made in several cities in Canada to post requests and offers for support and resources needed during COVID-19. Example link is for Toronto.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Meditation Websites and Apps Mindful Build a meditation practice using popular apps and websites. Apps include: Insight Timer, Headspace. Websites include:,,,,, 'Angelica Rao' Channel on Youtube.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Recorded Webinars: COVID-19 Stress & Trauma Series Neurosequential Network Webinar recordings on topics such as stress and resilience, emotional contagion and more
Jul 2nd, 2020
TED Connects: Community and Hope Series TED Talks A free, live, daily conversation series featuring experts whose ideas can help us reflect and work through this uncertain time with a sense of responsibility, compassion and wisdom.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Digital Platform: Mental Health Resources and Support Starling Minds A leading digital mental health platform. By using self-directed and digitally-delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) that is available on-demand, Starling helps to overcome barriers that prevent most people from seeking mental health support - cost, access, and stigma.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Resource List: Well-Being & Community Resources The Community Club A Community About Community. Easy to navigate, curated resources on 'wellbeing', 'productivity', 'belonging', 'family', 'helping' and other key topics.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Finding a Therapist Psychology Today Find a therapist or counsellor in your city through Psychology Today. Many offer online services. Try searching 'low cost' or 'sliding scale' for more affordable options. Googling these terms alongside the name of your city can also help you find local resources.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Virtual Therapy Inkblot Therapy See a Canadian Mental Health Care Provider through affordable, secure online video chats. Your first session is also always free until you find the right fit. $37.50 per 30 minute session afterwards.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Crisis Phone & Text Lines Various Organizations Gerstein Crisis Centre (24/7): 416-929-5200, Toronto Distress Centre (24/7): 416-408-4357 or text 741741 (2am-2pm daily), Crsis Services Canada: 1.833.456.4566; text 'start' to 45645 from 4pm to midnight (ET)
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Mental Health App: Breathing Room Bridge the GApp Overwhelmed? Stressed? Depressed? Discover how this revolutionary online program can help you start enjoying life again. The program consists of 8 practical modules.
Jul 2nd, 2020
30 Day Mindfulness Challenge MindWell-U The 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge is an online, evidence-based curriculum shown by university researchers to lower stress, increase resilience and improve well-being, performance and optimism. Starts every Tuesday.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Resource List: Mental Health During COVID-19 Dr. Jerome Perera, Psychiatrist, North York General Hospital Good collection of resources, advice and tips for mental health challenges related to COVID-19. Breakdown by province and national resources.
Jul 2nd, 2020
40 Day Meditation Training Mindfulness Daily A 40-Day Training Program from two of the world’s most respected and gifted meditation teachers, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Online Creative Community CreativeMornings Attendees gather in cities around the world to connect. Volunteer hosts and their team members organize local chapters that not only celebrate a city’s creative talent, but also promote an open space to connect with like-minded individuals. Speakers are selected by each chapter based on a global theme.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Visual Storytelling That Celebrates Humanity PechaKucha PechaKucha’s 20x20 presentation format shows your 20 chosen images, each for 20 seconds. In other words, you've got 400 seconds to tell your story, with visuals guiding the way. PechaKucha means "chit chat" in Japanese. This creative outlet began as nighttime get-togethers in Tokyo in 2003 by two renowned architects. Since then, three million people have attended PechaKucha events worldwide.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Student Mental and Physical Health Support Real Campus Makes support for your mental and physical health simple, relatable, and actionable. And best of all, it’s already paid for as part of your student fees. Eligible Campuses:
Jul 2nd, 2020
The Science of Wellbeing Yale University Engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. Reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Mental Health Support Platform: Bounce Back Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) A free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered over the phone with a coach and through online videos, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy App: Bloom Bloom The current global crisis brings us a lot of unknowns. We're here to help and offer free support during these difficult times. Free trial for a month.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Free Mental Health and Substance Use Support Programs Wellness Together Canada Wellness Together Canada offers the following at no cost to Canadians: Wellness self-assessment and tracking; Self guided courses, apps, and other resources; Group coaching and peer support; Counselling by text or phone.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Resource List: Accessible & Inclusive Mental Health Resources Takecare19 This website is a compilation of accessible, free or low-cost, and inclusive resources to help cope and support mental wellness through COVID-19 (and beyond). This project started out as a small crowd-sourced Google Doc.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Skill Ups Online Courses: Climate Change & Social Change 350 Get skilled-up with these online courses about climate change and what you can do about it. Each online skill-up uses interactive activities and multimedia to teach you skills you can use on organizing, movement-building, and climate change.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Climate Resistance Handbook 350 'Climate Resistance Handbook' or, 'I was part of a climate action. Now what?' Featuring a foreword by Greta Thunberg. If you’re wondering how to build a powerful, strategic movement that can make big wins for climate action, this is your guide.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Traditional Ecological Knowledge Resources and Videos Turtle Stories Community and Citizen Science Forum where Indigenous and land-based knowledge groups can meet and share resources.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Recorded Webinar: The Climate Movement and Coronavirus - A Discussion on Public Health The Climate Movement and COVID-19 Health professionals on the front-lines of the pandemic, who have also spent much of their careers making the links between climate and health, discuss what to expect from COVID-19, some of the best connections that can be made with climate change, and what else the pandemic may mean for the climate movement.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Film Screening Activity: Our Planet: Our Business World Wildlife Fund Help mobilize the private sector to reverse the loss of nature. Take the first step by hosting a virtual lunch and learn, screening this special Our Planet: Our Business film. In this 40-minute special film, learn more about what businesses can do to help create a new deal for nature and for people. Download the how-to guide on this page for instructions on how to organize a screening.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Recommended Books on Global Issues World Economic Forum Become inspired to read more by reading lists like this one focused on international development and global challenges.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Popular Sites for Online Courses Coursera Mostly free courses on diverse topics from various universities. Topics include: project management, evaluation, leadership, and other skill development areas. Other popular sites include:,
Jul 2nd, 2020
Blog: International Relations Career Challenge UN Challenge Helpful blog posts to jumpstart your career in international development.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Recorded Webinar: Project Management 101 Youth Action Net Webinar on the basic components of project management to help you understand the key constraints, disciplines, and process. Covers theory and two simple project management tools to help you better manage your team and your project schedules!
Jul 2nd, 2020
Recorded Webinar: Pro Tips for Time Management Youth Action Net Webinar digs into favourite tricks of the trade for making the best use of your time while managing projects. Covers ways to prioritize and organize your tasks, manage your email, and show you the basics of a great online tool.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Create to Learn @ Home: Art & Digital Skills Tutorials TakingITGlobal Video tutorials on digital skills and/or traditional knowledge using digital tools are all created by First Nations, Métis and Inuit artists and media makers to share their skills with students. An at-home training initiative in partnership with imagineNATIVE.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Rising Youth: Community Service Grants TakingITGlobal Do you have a simple project idea to support your community? TakingITGlobal is looking for young people who are inspired with ideas and ready to take action through youth-led community service grants ($250, $750 and $1500 levels).
Jul 2nd, 2020
Online Course: Voices of Social Change Coursera Free short, online course co-designed and delivered by 8 young social entrepreneurs.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Game-Based Course: Passport to Success Traveler International Youth Foundation and The PepsiCo Foundation A virtual journey around the globe learning in-demand life skills while trying out jobs in growth industries. Free, mobile-optimized course to support young people ages 16 to 24 in developing work readiness skills such as time management, problem-solving, and self-confidence.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Youth Fellow Talks and Change Series Youth Action Net Learn about youth-led social innovations through the Fellow Talks and Change Series of inspiring interviews. Explore the challenges young leaders face in the Leadership Lessons videos. Watch the Webinars for insights and advice on collaborating with business, succession planning, and more.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Virtual Debates on Important Issues The Munk Debates Mission is to help the world rediscover the art of civil and substantive debate by convening the sharpest minds and brightest thinkers to weigh in on the big issues of the day.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Crisis Text Line Volunteers Kids Help Phone Volunteer with Kids Help Phone remotely to support kids and youth facing challenges and crises. Application, 36 hour online training, minimum 1 year commitment, 4 hours per week
Jul 2nd, 2020
COVID-19 Health Care Worker Support Volunteers The HomeFront A team working to support COVID-19 response from the home front (healthcare workers on the front lines). Fill out a form about your interests and skills to support this movement.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Toronto COVID-19 Response Volunteers Volunteer Toronto Sign up to be notified of volunteer opportunities during the crisis. This site is for Toronto area, but similar ones exist in other communities! Can be a great way to practice or develop new skills while supporting those in need.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Life Coaching Course: What is Your Life Purpose? The Courage Crusade Figure out your unique life purpose so you can make a positive difference with your life. This is an online recorded course launched this year. Normally $90 but has been reduced to $15.
Jul 2nd, 2020
Personality and Skill Assessments 16 Personalities Use the website 16 Personalities to get to know yourself better and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Can help in job hunting and team dynamics. Other similar websites include:
Jul 2nd, 2020
Language Learning Platforms Babbel Access Babbel or several different websites and apps to start (or continue) learning a new language. Other popular website options include:,,, Free Apps include: Duolingo, Memrise
Jul 2nd, 2020
Certification Course: Gender-Based Analysis+ Women and Gender Equality Canada Short online course to add to your CV/LinkedIn provided by Government of Canada. Learn and apply lessons on how GBA+ approach can enhance the responsiveness, effectiveness and outcomes of federal government initiatives and other projects.
Jun 9th, 2020